Friday, June 1, 2012

A Midsummer Night's Dream

I finished my last Algebra I exam today and I feel so...light...

During this semester, in English class, we were required to read A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. While most of my classmates fell asleep while reading the play, I couldn't even blink! In the story, there are fairies, changelings, mortals, and at some point, they start to interact with each other, and eventually create many levels to the same story.
Below are some inspiration-images that, I thought, matched the theme of A Midsummer Night's Dream:

Adding a flowery crown makes you feel like a fairy princess :)

One of my favorite quotes from the play is "Lord, what fools these mortals be" said by Puck, a mischievous changeling. He says the line while watching the complications of mortal love. We can
easily apply this quote to everyday life as well, because life in general IS complicated. Mortals (that's us) constantly have to deal with different emotions, and they eventually drive us a little crazy!
That's why maybe it's good to become a fairy for a day. To enjoy life, and to live for the moment :)

<3 Aria

All of the photos were found on Google Images

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Rosy Dress

It's raining today, but I really love it. I've always liked rain for some reason. It's just so mysterious, sad, and perfect for when you're writing a story or a poem (if you're a creative person). Like now, I'm writing by the window while watching the rain accumulate into puddles. Also, living on the 4th floor of an apartment building, we can always hear the rain drops falling on the roof.
Got done with my English exam today. I think I did pretty well, but when you have only 15 minutes to write a long five-paragraph-essay, you start to get worried...(but I finished, so it's all good).

The dress above is from the 80's. It has a nice rosy pattern, and HUGE shoulder pads. It's been sitting in my mom's closet for the longest time. This could probably be transformed into a vintage modern dress if we took out the shoulder pads. And also..BEING BAREFOOT ROCKS!

<3 Aria

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Harajuku Girls

I finished taking my Physics exam about 2 hours ago..(I really hate that subject)...SO YEAH! 3 MORE TESTS TO GO! HOW EXCITING! :P
I can't wait to be out of school and put on a flowery dress, listen to awesome music, and sleep till 11 am! Now that would be the description of an AWESOME summer, but unfortunately, it won't be like that, because I am visiting my grandparents in the southern hemisphere where it is COLD (which is not a bad thing. I love my grandparents. It's just cold). I believe I will have time to blog, unless we do not have Internet connection, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Yesterday, in Target, I saw this lovely, reversible HARAJUKU MINI <3 dress designed by Gwen Stefani specially for Target. Let me just say, it's probably my favorite skirt I've owned so far. I took a few pictures:

Yup! That's the skirt. Harajuku Girls is (in a way) is like Hello Kitty because stores are now starting to get filled with Harajuku clothing, perfumes, shoes, accessories for you (and for your car) etc. So who knows? Maybe in 5 years we will have an infestation of Harajuku merchandice in every store of the country! (just like Hello Kitty!) That would be pretty awesome.

Have a great Tuesday everyone :)

<3 Aria

Monday, May 28, 2012

Nail Art

WOW...I just wrote and ENTIRE post...AND IT DIDN'T UPLOAD!!!!!! *sigh*
Okay...for the second time:
I've recently been studying for my exams, visiting random websites, and eating yogurt with raspberries (YUM!). I've also been painting my nails, which I normally don't do because it feels weird... but I do like drawing things on them like dots, hearts etc. They look awesome until I scratch them off without realizing (yeahh...I have to work on that)
So, today I want to share some images of nail arrt with you guys!

<3 Aria

Saturday, May 26, 2012

UO Records

The other day, I went to a Urban Outfitters in Washington DC (sadly there is no UO nearby where I live). While looking through their awesome, fantastic, magical stuff, I came across RECORDS. Okay.. this might not be a big deal for you, but for me IT WAS A HUGE DISCOVERY OKAY? At first, I felt kind of dumb for  not knowing that they had them... Then, I started carefully looking through the different records. UO is just such a killer store! They even had records of new bands such as Foster the People, Florence + the Machine, and Adele...yes, Adele.
Another reason I like them is because of their album artwork. Sometimes I do.. let's say: "judge a record by it's cover". hehe.. But really, some of their covers are true pieces of art.
I've firmly decided what I want for Christmas this year ;)

New Order
Father John Misty - Fear Fun LP

I do not have a record player, so I'm probably going to buy one at an antique store or at eBay for a reasonable price.

<3 Aria

Friday, May 25, 2012


At the end of the year, my school gives out the stuff that students have left behind in classrooms throughout the entire year. In the huge pile of books, clothing, pencils, and jewlery, I found a really, really, REALLY nice flower print SPRING (silk) tunic (I can't believe no one came to pick it up!). For some strange reason, when I wear it, it really makes me feel confident and awesome. It's like it has magical POWERS! It's funny because I found it on the day before the final exams, when you NEED to feel confident and awesome :)
To change the subject, I finally changed my header! (yaay for mee!) Changing the design of this blog is super fun, so I do it all the time (unless..of course I like how it looks ).
Here below, I posted some pictures from Internet k-hole. That site (honestly) has so many  random pics...but I am absolutely in love with it! These photos (below) were taken around the 60's and 70's.
I think we can really get some inspiration from their styles.


So, that's about it for now... I will be STUDYING this entire weekend and next week...but I'll definitely make some time to post ;)

Have  a great Friday!

<3 Aria

Monday, May 21, 2012

Just Another Spring Day

     I'm thinking about changing my header image...I might go for something simpler right now, because I think it's a little too crowded... So, what's been going on lately? Well, exams are next week and I still have to study for them like crazy (hmm) My teacher handed out an Algebra I review sheet today, and honestly, there were things on it that we haven't done in centuries )*sniff, sniff*
     At our school, we stop wearing uniforms in high school. And guess what? I'M GRADUATING THE 8TH TOMORROW! (HURRAY! for meee) so that means that I can now start wearing my own clothes to school! (which I haven't done since elementary school) SO sometime during the summer, I'll go to a thrift store and do the shopping there. You're probably like"WHAAAT?? YOU'RE SHOPPING AT A THRIFT STORE?? EEWWW" *cough* but it's actually really awesome (thank you once again Rookie!). You can get great clothes for really great prices (so basically that means that it's a WIN for me).

My currently favorite song

Anyway, it's kind of incredible that I've actually written more than 10 posts on this blog. I've always tried to keep my blogs up, but always failed (except for this time :)) Tavi really inspired me, and I'm extremely grateful that there are brave people like her in the world who inspire other people to try new things.
Some spring vibe pictures from Favim and Patternity before leaving:

<3 Aria
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