Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Rosy Dress

It's raining today, but I really love it. I've always liked rain for some reason. It's just so mysterious, sad, and perfect for when you're writing a story or a poem (if you're a creative person). Like now, I'm writing by the window while watching the rain accumulate into puddles. Also, living on the 4th floor of an apartment building, we can always hear the rain drops falling on the roof.
Got done with my English exam today. I think I did pretty well, but when you have only 15 minutes to write a long five-paragraph-essay, you start to get worried...(but I finished, so it's all good).

The dress above is from the 80's. It has a nice rosy pattern, and HUGE shoulder pads. It's been sitting in my mom's closet for the longest time. This could probably be transformed into a vintage modern dress if we took out the shoulder pads. And also..BEING BAREFOOT ROCKS!

<3 Aria

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