Thursday, May 17, 2012

Zine Cover

How is it possible to talk to someone for hours and hours about anything , and then log on Blogger and have nothing to say? (I'm so ashaaameeed!) Really...
Let me just start by posting (finally!) a picture of the COVER of my zine.

Drawn with a sharpie and called 14 Years. It contains photographs and memories collected throughout the fourteen years of my life. I started the first two pages but haven't had time to finish the rest, so that's all I have so far. I might sell them for less than $1 each (including shipping) when finished :)

<3 Aria

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fall Collections 2012

Just examining the FALL 2012 collections on the Vogue website. I have to admit, I haven't really been involved in fashion much until these couple of months, but I've always liked the the idea that one can express themselves with different outfits. Go individualism!

Below: Miu Miu

Alexander McQueen


I haven't posted the pictures of the zine yet because of my lack of time..but not to worry! I will be out of school in about two weeks (yeeeahhh). We finally all got our yearbooks yesterday. It's incredible how fast and school year passes by...
Also, I've been snacking on Rookie lately every night. I love that magazine! (it's my fave <3)  It discusses just about EVERY PROBLEM teenage girls face. It's like a guide to LIFE! (this is why I'm tired every morning :p but it definitely worth it!)

Finally, I would like to share a video of Madonna preforming "Material Girl" on stage. I was searching her music on YouTube and this came up (it's worth watching). I just had to share itttt!


<3 Aria

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Short Playlist

Hey hey hey! This is going to be a short post because I have to study for 2 tests... so, before I go:  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL OF THE MOTHER'S OUT THERE! and also, I was exploring the web on Friday (again) when I found some really nice songs I would like to share. I'll buy them as soon as I get a new iTunes gift card (but I want them nooowwww).

Here's a short playlist of the songs:

You really get the feeling of them when you close you eyes :) Well, got to go! see you again soon! 

<3 Aria 
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