Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thrifting for the First Time

Went thrifting for the first time today. There were so many unwanted clothes and items it was unbelievable! Even a couple of wedding gowns were for sale for less than 50 dollars! First, we started out at the shirts section (as WE, I mean my mom and I) carefully looking through each article of clothing, the prices (which were REALLY low..I mean, we bought each item for less than $8!) and sizes. The thrift store I went to had (luckily) everything categorized by size, which made it easier for us to shop. There was EVERYTHING! - From blue vintage shorts (which were sadly not my size :p) to shiny, pointy, look-like-made-out-of-steel shoes.

I've recently fallen in love with floral prints since it's spring and all. 
Modern print from a dress. 

Now, the T-shirt above was certainly a lucky find! It's awesome! If you notice, the girl is wearing winter clothing, when the actual T-shirt is meant to be worn on a hot, summer day!

DREAM OUT LOUD I  think this would go really well with a short, black skirt like the one below, and Brian Atwood's rainbow shoes to match the colors of the letters.

So, that's my experience with thrifting. If you like cheap, awesome, unpredictable clothing, thrifting is a good option for you. I will never shop at malls again :)

<3 Aria

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Found another inspirational photograph site today (feeling so lucky!) It' called Lowry Glowry on Tumbr. It has a collection many mysterious, dark yet beautiful pictures that you should check out.

                                           The photograph above was taken by autumninmyveins



untitled by amber ortolano on Flickr.

 Hope you enjoyed the photographs as much as I did.

<3 Aria

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

From the Past

Unfortunately... I got sick. I went sailing with our school team on Monday. The wind was blowing hard and we all got really wet, so as you all know; Wet+cold=sick....*sigh*
Yesterday, my grandmother came to our apartment and brought TONS of old photographs that she took when she was younger. There are just SO MANY pictures! I could probably start another internet k-hole with them! She took pictures of her kids, family, and basically her life from the 60's to the 90's. It was really fun to see my older relatives as children. Personally, I like film cameras better than digital cams because they give the pictures that magical touch they need.
It took me a while, but I scanned some of the photos:

 There are many, many, many more.
 Also, I STARTED MY ZINE! (Yaay for me!) I finished the cover page on Sunday. It's basically going to be a collection of pictures, drawings, poems, and memories. Each section has it's own little symbol (I'm working on that now), so I'll post some pictures when I feel better.

<3 Aria

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