Friday, June 1, 2012

A Midsummer Night's Dream

I finished my last Algebra I exam today and I feel so...light...

During this semester, in English class, we were required to read A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. While most of my classmates fell asleep while reading the play, I couldn't even blink! In the story, there are fairies, changelings, mortals, and at some point, they start to interact with each other, and eventually create many levels to the same story.
Below are some inspiration-images that, I thought, matched the theme of A Midsummer Night's Dream:

Adding a flowery crown makes you feel like a fairy princess :)

One of my favorite quotes from the play is "Lord, what fools these mortals be" said by Puck, a mischievous changeling. He says the line while watching the complications of mortal love. We can
easily apply this quote to everyday life as well, because life in general IS complicated. Mortals (that's us) constantly have to deal with different emotions, and they eventually drive us a little crazy!
That's why maybe it's good to become a fairy for a day. To enjoy life, and to live for the moment :)

<3 Aria

All of the photos were found on Google Images

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