Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Harajuku Girls

I finished taking my Physics exam about 2 hours ago..(I really hate that subject)...SO YEAH! 3 MORE TESTS TO GO! HOW EXCITING! :P
I can't wait to be out of school and put on a flowery dress, listen to awesome music, and sleep till 11 am! Now that would be the description of an AWESOME summer, but unfortunately, it won't be like that, because I am visiting my grandparents in the southern hemisphere where it is COLD (which is not a bad thing. I love my grandparents. It's just cold). I believe I will have time to blog, unless we do not have Internet connection, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Yesterday, in Target, I saw this lovely, reversible HARAJUKU MINI <3 dress designed by Gwen Stefani specially for Target. Let me just say, it's probably my favorite skirt I've owned so far. I took a few pictures:

Yup! That's the skirt. Harajuku Girls is (in a way) is like Hello Kitty because stores are now starting to get filled with Harajuku clothing, perfumes, shoes, accessories for you (and for your car) etc. So who knows? Maybe in 5 years we will have an infestation of Harajuku merchandice in every store of the country! (just like Hello Kitty!) That would be pretty awesome.

Have a great Tuesday everyone :)

<3 Aria


  1. Very cute skirt! Good luck with your last three exams :)

  2. woowoowoo! harajuku!
    woah, it rhymes;D



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