Saturday, May 26, 2012

UO Records

The other day, I went to a Urban Outfitters in Washington DC (sadly there is no UO nearby where I live). While looking through their awesome, fantastic, magical stuff, I came across RECORDS. Okay.. this might not be a big deal for you, but for me IT WAS A HUGE DISCOVERY OKAY? At first, I felt kind of dumb for  not knowing that they had them... Then, I started carefully looking through the different records. UO is just such a killer store! They even had records of new bands such as Foster the People, Florence + the Machine, and Adele...yes, Adele.
Another reason I like them is because of their album artwork. Sometimes I do.. let's say: "judge a record by it's cover". hehe.. But really, some of their covers are true pieces of art.
I've firmly decided what I want for Christmas this year ;)

New Order
Father John Misty - Fear Fun LP

I do not have a record player, so I'm probably going to buy one at an antique store or at eBay for a reasonable price.

<3 Aria

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