Friday, May 25, 2012


At the end of the year, my school gives out the stuff that students have left behind in classrooms throughout the entire year. In the huge pile of books, clothing, pencils, and jewlery, I found a really, really, REALLY nice flower print SPRING (silk) tunic (I can't believe no one came to pick it up!). For some strange reason, when I wear it, it really makes me feel confident and awesome. It's like it has magical POWERS! It's funny because I found it on the day before the final exams, when you NEED to feel confident and awesome :)
To change the subject, I finally changed my header! (yaay for mee!) Changing the design of this blog is super fun, so I do it all the time (unless..of course I like how it looks ).
Here below, I posted some pictures from Internet k-hole. That site (honestly) has so many  random pics...but I am absolutely in love with it! These photos (below) were taken around the 60's and 70's.
I think we can really get some inspiration from their styles.


So, that's about it for now... I will be STUDYING this entire weekend and next week...but I'll definitely make some time to post ;)

Have  a great Friday!

<3 Aria

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