Monday, May 21, 2012

Just Another Spring Day

     I'm thinking about changing my header image...I might go for something simpler right now, because I think it's a little too crowded... So, what's been going on lately? Well, exams are next week and I still have to study for them like crazy (hmm) My teacher handed out an Algebra I review sheet today, and honestly, there were things on it that we haven't done in centuries )*sniff, sniff*
     At our school, we stop wearing uniforms in high school. And guess what? I'M GRADUATING THE 8TH TOMORROW! (HURRAY! for meee) so that means that I can now start wearing my own clothes to school! (which I haven't done since elementary school) SO sometime during the summer, I'll go to a thrift store and do the shopping there. You're probably like"WHAAAT?? YOU'RE SHOPPING AT A THRIFT STORE?? EEWWW" *cough* but it's actually really awesome (thank you once again Rookie!). You can get great clothes for really great prices (so basically that means that it's a WIN for me).

My currently favorite song

Anyway, it's kind of incredible that I've actually written more than 10 posts on this blog. I've always tried to keep my blogs up, but always failed (except for this time :)) Tavi really inspired me, and I'm extremely grateful that there are brave people like her in the world who inspire other people to try new things.
Some spring vibe pictures from Favim and Patternity before leaving:

<3 Aria

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