Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fairytales and Princesses

     Couldn't blog this weekend because I went to my mom's friend's house in Washington DC. Her friend has four year old twins that are turning five on Monday. Their birthday party was today. Watching them play reminded me of my childhood, and how happy it was. It reminded me of that world with no limits. Where I could be a princess, live in a castle, have magical talking animal friends, and live happily ever after, where in reality, it doesn't work that way... It's sad to think they at as we get older, we tend to not be as imaginative as we used to be (in some cases)... Like these girls were BURSTING with imagination! Everything they saw was magical and bright. I'm really happy I got to spend time with them, because I haven't been around many five year olds.
I cannot publish this post without posting a couple of pictures related to this subject (hehe). So here they are below.


All of the pictures from Favim.
     Also, went to a UO in Washington DC, and discovered that they had records of new bands (in my mind, that's like the awesomest thing). I feel so stupid for not knowing that before... Well, at least now I know what I'm asking for Christmas this year!
<3 Aria

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