Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thunderstorm days

Last night, a huge thunderstorm passed by. We could even feel the ground vibrate every time the lightning struck the ground (and we live on the 4th floor of an apartment building!!). I opened up the curtains beside my bed, covered myself with blankets, took out my camera, and just sat there taking pictures and watching the sky. Lightning is scary, but beautiful. Once I finished taking the pictures, I put down my camera, looked outside, and BAM! A long, shining ray of light appeared right before my eyes. I gasped when I saw it. It was truly amazing.

*this is not a picture I took. It was found on Favim.
Just a few days ago I found out what a Zine was (thank u Rookiemag!). It's basically your own little magazine you create using pictures, texts, and drawings. I'm going to start the first two pages this weekend if I have time and post them sometime during the week.
To change the subject, I found a really nice song on itunes the other day, and it was FREE. It's called "Lighthouse" by Patrick Watson (no.. I don't think he's related to Emma Watson in any way..) Don't be afraid to occasionally click the "free songs" bar on itunes. You never know what they might have. Sometimes you'll get lucky! :) 

 I really think someone should use this song in a movie, in a scene where the character is remembering the past or discovering something magical.
 Below, I've  posted photographs that (I feel) match the mood and melody of the song. They are BEAUTIFUL. It's best to look at them while listening to the music:

The pictures were all found on Favim

Have a nice weekend everyone!



  1. thank you for your nice comments!

    i love thunderstorms too, especially in the summer! and the song and pictures are really beautiful, i'm following you!

  2. these are some really pretty pictures, i like how they're all moody and vintage looking. there was a huge storm here in chicago too- i cant believe you felt the ground shake from the 4th floor! me and my boyfriend actually went on our building's roof and were taking pictures of the lightning, it looked so pretty


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