Saturday, April 14, 2012

With my Diana F+

Today I took my dear Diana F+ camera out for a walk. I got it about a year ago, and it's really great, except buying the film and having it processed is pretty expensive. I could get the instant back thingy for it, where the picture would instantly print out from the back of the Diana as soon as I take it, but it's even more expensive. I guess I could live it.
Diana F+ is actually a lomo camera, which means, it takes pictures with lot's of light leaks. Diana uses 120mm film (which is a pain in the butt to process!) but you can still use 35mm film. 
I saw it for the first time at Urban Outfitters, and thought it was really cool. They have different versions of it, but the original camera is the Diana F+ so, I saved up my money, wished for it every day, and finally got it.

Yup! That's my blue friend :)
It's actually very light to carry around the neck. 

As soon as I saw something that was worth taking a picture for, I grabbed my Diana and snapped the photo. Once I finished taking it, I would advance the film and it would make this annoying noise. It was funny because everyone around just looked at me like "what are you doing, girl?"
Anyways, this is what I wore today. 

Shirt + crochet shorts from H&M. Tights from Uniqlo. Picture taken by my sis, edited by me. Thought it would be nice to wear this today, since it's cold, but it's spring. 

     On the way home, we stopped by CVS to get the pictures processed. Their machine wasn't functioning, so we went to Walgreen's instead. When I handed the Diana to the person in the photo area, he stared at it like it was an alien.... I showed him how to open the back, and he quickly got the film out and began to process it. 20 minutes later, the pictures were done. 

There are certainly a lot of reds and blues. And lots of light leaks! The pictures turned out to be pretty interesting. The ones I posted are the best ones from the roll. I like how the red leak gives the photograph more mystery and color. To do this, I got a special 35 mm film from UO. They sell different films that create different colors and effects. 

The best part of this entire process is when you get to see the pictures you took. It's really surprising sometimes! You get what you don't expect! 

Well, hope you bloggers & readers have a nice weekend :)

- Aria

1 comment:

  1. the pictures look beautiful!

    thank you for your sweet comments :)


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