Wednesday, April 11, 2012

To a New World

It's been a tough week. It is Wednesday but it already feels like tomorrow should be Friday! Today was a fairly interesting day... I felt like sleeping the first entire two blocks, but managed to get through school somehow. Anyways to change the subjuct, about a year ago, I made a DeviantArt account for myself to post art on it. Well, I borrowed different cameras from different people, took pictures and edited them.
This photograph was taken with my aunt's small canon digital camera. It's called "To a New World". It took me a while to take it though. The girl in the photograph is my sister (thanks for helping by the way!). So, one day I was walking along this hallway carrying my aunt's camera, when I suddenly had a great idea for a photograph. I called my sis and asked her to put on a cotton candy colored dress. I tied a bow  in the back and showed her how I wanted her to pose. Then, the photo was taken, and I immediately edited it and posted it on DA.

Hope you like it!
-your friend, Aria,

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