Monday, April 30, 2012

Gloomy Spring?

It's spring, but it's been sooo gloomy lately.. we're coming towards the end of the school year, so I my whole week is like: STUDY, test, STUDY, test, test. The only joy I have during the day is when I get to come home and  BLOG. I think I'm converting myself into those people who can't live without the Internet. There's just so much to do, you know.
Yesterday I watched a movie called "The Face on the Milk Carton" on abc family. It's about this girl who discovers a milk carton that has a picture of her on the back (you know, for missing people), SO she finds out that she was missing and that the family she's been living with is not actually her real family. *SPOILER ALERT* The person that kidnapped her (Hannah) was a cult member, so she took the child to her parents house. Hanna's parents thought it was her daughter, so they took care of her. Hannah just disappeared. I can't tell you what happens next :3 You'll have to watch the movie.


To change the subject, I've been looking around for VINTAGE <3 items  lately. Here's a collection of some vintage items and photos I like:


The bright red saddle shoes were hand painted by Elsie. She has really nice tutorials on her blog on how to make cute things. Here's the link to her site: Abeautifulmess 

I don't have a lot of vintage clothing because I can't afford them right now. That's why I asked my grandma if she still had some of her old clothes. She said that they are in her storage, so if she gets a chance, she'll bring them to me the next time she comes. How exciting! It's like opening up a treasure box  :)

Well, that's all for today! Thanks for reading!

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